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June 2024: The Infinite Information Age

Frame 1              Darkness. The outline of THE BARKER barely visible. Frame 2              Inset. Lights, camera, action. The Barker stands with her arms spread wide and a grin on her face, on a blank, white background. BARKER: WELCOME BACK TO ELECTRONIC BOOK REVIEW! THIS MONTH WE’RE HERE TO PRESENT TO YOU— TITLE: THE INFINITE INFORMATION AGE (Title should be in a sans serif font reminiscent—if not the same—as the ebr branding. White, with some fluorescent offset colors, so it pops against the black background.) Frame 3              Inset, again. The Barker is still talking as, outside the panel, the black background fades […]

Experiments in Generating Cut-up texts with Commercial AI

Most serious writers refuse to make themselves available to the things that technology is doing. I’ve never been able to understand this sort of fear. Many of them are afraid of tape recorders and the idea of using any mechanical means for literary purposes seems to them some sort of a sacrilege. This is one objection to the cut-ups. There’s been a lot of that, a sort of superstitious reverence for the word. My God, they say, you can’t cut up these words. Why can’t I? William S. Burroughs interviewed by Conrad Knickerbocker (Third Mind 4). The idea for this […]
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Indeterminacy as Invention: How William Gaddis Met Physicists, Cybernetics, and Mephistopheles on the Way to Agapē Agape

Various materials from the Gaddis Archive by William Gaddis, Copyright © 2024 The Estate of William Gaddis, used by permission of the Wylie Literary Agency (UK) Limited. Due to the copyrighted archival material reproduced here, this article is published under a stricter version of open access than the usual Electronic Book Review article: a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. All reproductions of material published here must be cited; no part of the article or its quoted material may be reproduced for commercial purposes; and the materials may not be repurposed and recombined with other material except in direct academic citation – […]
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Tomasula CV

Steve Tomasula’s work has been written about more than he has written for ebr: Languages of Fear in Steve Tomasula’s VAS, an Opera in Flatland The Importance of Being Earnest in Flatland Pierre Menard with a Pipette: VAS and the Body of Text The Archeology of Representation: Steve Tomasula’s The Book of Portraiture Erroneous Assumptions: Steve Tomasula’s Ascension “You’ve never experienced a novel like this”: Time and Interaction when reading […]

April 2024: Ecocritique, Fandom, Eclipses, and Gaddis, Gaddis, Gaddis

(The tick-tick-tick of a counter climbing up as messages are sent. The ding of an inbox visible to only one person. The looming crumple of an email automatically sent to ‘Trash’. A digital veil rises, allowing the brief imitation of contact to be made. Here, THE BARKER stands, center stage.) BARKER: This month, in electronic book review: (The lights drop. A pale blue spotlight bursts into life.) BARKER: Jussi Parikka, Paolo Patelli, and May Ee Wong delve into their captivating post-digital narrative work, The Environmental Audiotour, in “Ecocritique between Landscape and Data: The Environmental Audiotour”! (The Barker pats down the […]
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Total Eclipse: A Rearview Review of Rhythms

Before: the sense of everyone gathering for some cosmic event, like the landing of an alien spaceship (maybe like those people waiting for the spaceship they thought was traveling in the tail of the Comet Hale-Bop?). During: a sense of the world gone horribly wrong—the most fundamental things about the world out of whack—the light, the colors, the seasons, especially day and night…. But setting out from Chicago, the ‘During’ was yet to come. Following the cycles laid down by planetary motions as our solar system developed, there’s a total solar eclipse somewhere on Earth every 18 months. And we’ve […]

“Honored by the Error”: The Literary Friendship of Gaddis and Gass

Anyone more than a little familiar with William Gaddis or William Gass likely knows of their long friendship. They first met at the National Book Award ceremony on April 21, 1976—Gass being one of the judges that gave the prize to J R—and when Gaddis was near death in 1998 Bill Gass was one of the last people he wanted to speak to. Unfortunately Gass received the message too garbled and too late, and that final telephone conversation never took place. Throughout their more than twenty-year friendship, they supported each other’s work in myriad ways, both publicly and privately, and they […]
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“A Long and Uninterrupted Decline”: Accumulation, Empire, and Built Environments in William Gaddis’s The Recognitions

The centrality of spiritual and aesthetic themes in William Gaddis’s The Recognitions (1955), combined with its encyclopedic style, has resulted in a general tendency to filter the rest of the novel’s themes through the lens of either religion or art. Thus, critical discussions of Gaddis’s satirical portrayal of “a society too wholly reliant upon exchange value as a definitional principle” (Leise 40) have largely focused on capitalism’s degrading effect on art and religion. This is certainly an essential theme in The Recognitions, but it is only one facet of a broader, multi-levelled critique that anticipates Gaddis’s later works, particularly J […]
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"Trouble with the Connections": J R and the "End of History"

William Gaddis’s J R (1975) anticipates and formally embodies the “end of history.” Popularized in Francis Fukuyama’s 1989 article (and, later, book) of the same name, the “end of history” denotes a post-Cold War landscape in which the “universalization of Western liberal democracy” would inaugurate, in Fukuyama’s view, not merely “the passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such” (“End of History?” 4). J R complicates this rosy conclusion, of course, but it does a lot more than that. Published more than a decade before the fall of the Berlin Wall precipitated Fukuyama’s […]
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Episode 6: Gendered AI and Editorial Labour in Digital Culture with Lai-Tze Fan

SR: Welcome to Off Center, the podcast about digital narrative and algorithmic narrativity. My name is Scott Rettberg, and I’m the Director of the Center for Digital Narrative at the University of Bergen. In this podcast, I’ll have conversations with the researchers at the center, as well as other experts in the field, to discuss topics revolving around digital storytelling and its impact on contemporary culture. Today, I’m here with Lai-Tze Fan, and we’ll be talking about gendered voice assistants, as well as Lai-Tze’s experience as a professor, editor, critic, and creator in the field of digital culture. Welcome. LF: […]
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