Processing Words, or Suspended Inscriptions Written with Light
In this review, Manuel Portela considers Matthew G. Kirschenbaum's Track Changes in light of a "general computerization of the modes of production of writing."
Old Questions from New Media
Jen Phillis situates Jessica Pressman's Digital Modernism: Making It New in New Media as a rejoinder to "Neoliberal Tools (and Archives)" by David Allington, Sarah Brouillete, and David Golumbia.
Relational Ecology and the Digital Pharmakon

Bernard Stiegler's "Relational Ecology and the Digital Pharmakon."
Hyper and Deep Attention

Katherine Hayles, Hyper and Deep Attention: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25595866?seq=1&cid=pdf-reference#references_tab_contents
Pasts and Futures of Netprov

In Pasts and Futures of Netprov, Rob Wittig articlates a theory for Networked Improv Narratives, or "Netprovs." Wittig, an innovator in this novel form, situates netprov at the interesection of literature, drama, mass media, games, and new media. Transcribed from a presentation given at the Electronic Literature Organization conference in Morgantown, WV, Wittig explores a number of antecedents to the form, documents current exemplars of this practice, and invites readers to create their own networked improvisations.