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Empire and the Commons
Caren Irr reframes the question of private property through fantastic narratives of the commons.
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: Irreducible Innovation
William Smith Wilson injects the transcendentals of aesthetic illusions into Hardt and Negri's immanent materialism.
The Exemptions of Beauty
William Smith Wilson builds on his earlier ebr essay, "The End of Exemptions of Beauty," with this companion piece.
‘Is it Possible Not to Love Žižek?’ on Slavoj Žižek’s Missed Encounter with Deleuze
Hanjo Berressem provides both fast-forward and slow-motion readings of Slavoj Žižek's Organs without Bodies: On Deleuze and Consequences.
Putting the Brakes on the Žižek Machine
Eric Dean Rasmussen traces the contours of Hanjo Berressem's rigorous, bi-tempo reading of Organs without Bodies, which finds Žižek's philosophical buggering of Deleuze to be wanting.