end construction
Peter Hare’s response to Lori Emerson
Peter Hare responds to Lori Emerson's review of Walter Benn Michaels.
Writing Futures: Hardt and Negri’s Notation Politics
Aron Pease introduces this collection of essays by Linda Brigham, Caren Irr, William Wilson and Nick Spencer with a look at the multitude's programmability.
Networking the Multitude
Linda C Brigham complicates Hardt and Negri's case for network resistance.
The Machinic Multitude
Nick Spencer argues that the multitude is machinic, even without machines.
‘Is it Possible Not to Love Žižek?’ on Slavoj Žižek’s Missed Encounter with Deleuze
Hanjo Berressem provides both fast-forward and slow-motion readings of Slavoj Žižek's Organs without Bodies: On Deleuze and Consequences.