first person
A Preliminary Poetics
May 1, 2004
Michael Mateas
The builder of Façade, an "interactive story world," Michael Mateas offers both a poetics and a neo-Aristotelian project (for interactive drama and games).
Nick Montfort responds in turn
April 2, 2004
Nick Montfort
Nick Montfort reiterates the value of multiple perspectives on, and in, New Media.
N. Katherine Hayles responds in turn
April 2, 2004
Katherine Hayles
A response that bridges things, as metaphors do.
Bill Seaman’s response
April 2, 2004
Bill Seaman
Bill Seaman hyphenates the "hybrid-languages" of Lexia to Perplexia.
Janet Murray’s response
April 2, 2004
Nick Montfort
Janet Murray unriddles the verbal and procedural mix of Interactive Fiction.