What Remains in Liam’s Going
David CiccoriccoPattern, absence, routine, return - Dave Ciccoricco mulls the shape(s) in Michael Joyce's new paper novel, Liam's Going
The Informatics of Higher Education (4 of 5)
Marc BousquetIn The Politics of Information, v.4, Bousquet, Wills, and Co bring their critique home to Higher Education.
The Information University
Marc BousquetMarc Bousquet discusses university labor delivered in "the mode of information."
The Digital Downside: Moving from Craft to Factory Production in Online Learning
Timothy LukeTim Luke takes on the business of online learning.
From Utopianism to Weak Messianism: Electronic Culture’s Spectral Moment
Stephanie TrippStephanie Tripp addresses Spectres of Marx, the text featuring some of Derrida?s most detailed encounters with both historical materialism and information technology.
Michael Milken and the Corporate Raid on Education
Kenneth J. SaltmanJunk bond swami Michael Milken jumped out of prison a few years ago and into for-profit education. Ken Saltman submits Milken's latest venture to the light of day.
Textual Events (3 of 5)
Marc BousquetHow to commodify "intellectual property" when the object, a text, is made of other texts, and each reading is a re-writing? The Politics of Information, Part 3, considers the identity of event and machine.
What’s Left: Materialist Responses to the Internet
Mark PosterUrging adaptibility and breadth, Mark Poster takes issue with the niches bored by early Internet critiques.
Before and After the Web: George P. Landow (interviewed by Harvey L. Molloy)
George LandowGeorge Landow talks with Harvey Molloy about personal projects and future Web speculations.
On ®TMark, or, The Limits of Intellectual Property Hacktivism
Caren IrrCaren Irr on ®TMark.com.
Intellectual Property Law, Freedom of Expression, and the Web
Kembrew McLeodKembrew McLeod, fresh from having trademarked the phrase freedom of expression®, speeds through the domain name scandals of the information superhighway.