Getting the Dirt on The Public Intellectual: A response to Michael Bérubé
Cary WolfeCary Wolfe lays bare the assumptions that define Bérubé's stance.
On Netscape, Virtual Slaves, and Making Moolah
Mark AmerikaMark Amerika goes public, and reveals speculative fiction and market speculations to be one and the same.
Them, Meaning Us
Curtis WhiteFormer FC2 Co-publisher Curtis White defends radical fiction against Left radical intellectuals.
Academia, Inc.
Linda C BrighamLinda Brigham reviews Incorporations, the most recent collection from Zone Books.
The Revolution May Not Be Computerized
Daniel ReissDaniel Riess on Roger Chartier's media history.
A Project for a New Consultancy
Gregory L. UlmerJoseph Tabbi and Gregory Ulmer discuss what intellectual work will be like in the new electracy.
Writing the Paradigm
Victor J. VitanzaAn overview of Gregory Ulmer's thought by Victor Vitanza.
Wild Ambitions
David CassutoDavid Cassuto reviews Wild Ideas, a collection of ecocritical essays.
No More Heroes
David CassutoDavid Cassuto reviews Wild Ideas, a collection of ecocritical essays.
Cultural Criticism and The Politics of Selling Out
Michael BérubéIn this feature essay from the spring of 1996, Michael Bérubé claimed that left intellectuals have little choice but to sell out, if they want to make a difference in the culture they critique. But which way is out? And who gets to go public?
Designing Our Disciplines in a Postmodern Age – and Academy
Matthew G. KirschenbaumMatt Kirschenbaum on Richard Coyne's philosophical treatment of technographics.
ebr version 1.0: Winter 1995/96
Joseph TabbiFrom the start, the editors made it clear that the electronic book review would be about more than reviewing books.
Cyberinthian Ways
Linda C BrighamLinda Brigham hypercontextualizes contemporary philosophy.
The Maul of America
Marcos NovakLiquid architect Marcos Novak on William Mitchell's City of Bits.