April 2020: 25 years of ebr; keynotes from ELO 2019
March 2020 marked the 25th anniversary of electronic book review. Though we are all apart, we wish to recognize this milestone with you and which occurs through your support. ebr extends well wishes to you and your loved ones during this difficult time and hope that you will remain safe. We will continue to publish as normal. We would like to thank the Electronic Literature Organization for their hard work in organizing the 2020 Meeting of the ELO, particularly the team at UCF (Anastasia Salter, Mel Stanfill, and others). And while we can’t meet in person, it is fortunate that much of our work… continue
March 2020: Kozak on experimental digital fan fiction
“Electronic Literature Experimentalism beyond the Great Divide. A Latin American Perspective” presents the text of Claudia Kozak’s keynote for the 2018 ELO conference. By beginning with various tensions, such as the tension between the occasionally excessive tendencies of a rigorously experimental avant-garde to reach a narrow audience and linking this to the often limited audience of e-lit, Kozak expertly historicizes the avant-gardes of the twentieth century—especially by building on the work of Susan Buck-Morss, Peter Bürger, and Andreas Huyssen—in order to not only show the extent to which… continue
February 2020: In conversation with Cayley and Rettberg; Critical Code Studies 2020
ebr is delighted to announce that the 6th biennial Critical Code Studies Working Group has begun, led by Mark Marino and Jeremy Douglass. Many members of ELO and readers of ebr are contributors to this and previous CCSWGs, and this year’s Group extends previous conversations by focusing on special topics such as Indigenous Programming and Feminist AI. You can follow ongoing conversations (January 20 to February 9, 2020) as they unfold on the Group’s website. * This month, ebr publishes “At a Heightened Level of Intensity: A Discussion of the Philosophy and Poetics of Language in John Cayley’s… continue
January 2020: LeMenager on “Living Climate Change” in an age of fake news
Stephanie LeMenager’s essay “Notes on a Civics for the Sixth Extinction” rhetorically navigates the condition of “living climate change.” Here, living climate change refers to responses in the “ambitious cultural project that writers, artists, scholars, and activists have been undertaking” in creating public awareness and procedure in climate change. While LeMenager focuses on the US as a global superpower that is also a climate change denier, recently I have also thought of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison for his lack of action in the Australian bushfires (started in September 2019 a… continue
December 2019: “Natural Media” special issue
This month’s special issue on “Natural Media” is edited by ebr’s Editors, Lisa Swanstrom and Eric Dean Rasmussen. This gathering developed out of a panel hosted by the MLA’s MS Forum on Visual Media, and it considers the critical intersections of communicative media and media technologies with natural spaces. The essays, reviews, and interview will be of special interest to ebr readers who explore areas that include the environmental humanities, ecocriticism, media archaeology, and ecofeminism. Readers could perhaps start with Lisa Swanstrom’s essay “The Effulgence of the North: An Introductio… continue