donna haraway
Linda Carroli reviews Michael Joyce on networked culture, whose emergence changes our ideas of change.
Over 800 pages, the New Media Reader does not exhaust its subject; it even sets the stage for a companion volume.
Part 2 of The Politics of Information, a collection that reintroduces class and materiality to the study of technocultures.
The Politics of Information: fifth and final installment under the Technocapitalist thread.
Lisa Nakamura questions Donna Haraway about race, speed, and the cyborg.
Katie King on the challenges and rewards, in her own life and the lives of her students, that emerge when writing about personal encounters with technology.
George Landow reviews Patchwork Girl by Shelley Jackson.
Stuart Moulthrop (re)mediates the interpretation (narrativists) vs. configuration (ludologists) debate by going macropolitical.