Joseph Tabbi reviews Joe Conte's Design and Debris and gauges the argument for chaotics-as-aesthetics across media.
Elisabeth Joyce reads Howe as a postfeminist Thoreau facing the dilemma that 'to inhabit a wilderness is to destroy it.'
Linda Brigham works through Embodying Technesis by Mark Hansen.
Mark Hansen responds to Linda Brigham's review of Embodying Technesis: Technology Beyond Writing.
Linda Brigham offers a Deleuzean take on Independence Day.
Aaron Pease reviews Manual DeLanda's philosophy of the virtual.
Darren Tofts reviews a popularization by Marie O'Mahony and an auto-critique of cyberculture by Andrew Murphie and John Potts.
Linda Brigham reviews Incorporations, the most recent collection from Zone Books.
Martin Rosenberg discusses Kiki Smith's feminist visual art and cognitive science.