critical ecologies
Jan Baetens asks Remediation or Premeditation?
Noting that media are not only proposed to readers but also imposed on customers, Jan Baetens introduces Adorno into the debates on remediation.
Are We Posthuman Yet?
Linda Brigham reads How We Became Posthuman the way Katherine Hayles reads novels: as a story that resists both linearity and the analytical ardor of attempts at humanist ordering.
Blackness and the Migratory Drive
Walton Muyumba reviews Randall Kenan's massive meditation on race and introduces a new word into the discourse on African American literature: zugenruhe.
On Spheres

Luca Di Blasi reads Peter Sloterdijk straight.
Translation by Chris Thomas
Perloff in the Nineties
David Zauhar reads Marjorie Perloff the way she reads poetry and philosophy: as ways of doing, rather than saying