María Mencía’s e-Poetry: A Conversation Exploring Her Work

In this conversation with Yolanda De Gregorio Robledo, e-poet María Mencía discusses her journey as an artist and scholar. In doing so, María reveals her artistic interests, the influences the electronic literature community has had on her work, and the importance of highlighting women's contributions to the field of electronic literature as a whole.
Call for contributions for special issue “Celebrating Joseph Tabbi and 30 Years of electronic book review”

A special call for papers celebrating the work of Joe Tabbi—electronic book review's founder and long-term editor-in-chief—which will be published in a special issue of electronic book review during the journal's 30th anniversary year.
ebr at the crossroads

The electronic book review Editorial Team discusses electronic book review's 30th anniversary, the journal's position at the junctures of multiple academic disciplines, the threat of an increasingly turbulent global stage, and the aspiration to continue providing a home for a future defined by resistance and unity.
The Praxis of the Procedural Model in Digital Literature, Part 2: Applications

Part 2 of Philippe Bootz's exploration of the procedural mode in digital literature, continued from part 1.
The Praxis of the Procedural Model in Digital Literature, Part 1: Structural Aspects of the Model

Phillipe Bootz defines and situates a set of artifacts, devices, material components and human groups that are in contact with earlier procedural "dispositifs." The procedural model, in Bootz's 30 year long research, analyses, theoretical frameworks and observations, expressly distinguishes human beings from material components. In opposition to artificial/human proposals such as the trans-human or the cyborg. The dispositif, in Bootz's presentation, only concerns the physical world. It does not contain signs, is not concerned with literature or art. And neither are individuals, within the procedural model, considered for themselves. They are actors at a given moment. Their positions are characterized by their power to directly act on the artifacts and objects of the dispositif.