Three from The Gig: New Work By/About Maggie O’Sullivan, Allan Fisher, and Tom Raworth
Three recent poetry publications by Nate Dorward's press The Gig are reviewed by Greg Betts; these are not poems so much as environments outside of, perhaps astride, the contingencies of systems.
Saving the Past: Deleuze’s Proust and Signs
Stephen Hawkins engages with the "web of counterintuitive, paradoxical, contentious and yet important claims" that he identifies in Gilles Deleuze's Proust and Signs.
Illogic of Sense | The Gregory L. Ulmer Remix: Introduction
Darren Tofts and Lisa Gye introduce the collection of essays, appearing here in the electropoetics thread, from the Alt-x e-book The Illogic of Sense.
On Hip-Hop, A Rhapsody
Michael Jarrett practices an Ulmer-inspired heuretics to write about rap.
Rowan Wilken sets himself the challenge of theorizing the unrepresentable in relation to the architectural model of the diagram.