end construction
Reading the Reader
Eugene Thacker, who went on to help design the Alt-X e-book series, suggested some models for ebr designers to consider.
The Interface As A Form Of Artificial Life
In response to Bill Wilson's provocation (about not "getting through" to a younger audience), Linda Brigham introduces a cognitive perspective and closes with a metaphor from music - eventually the design-governing metaphor for the site design.
A Nice Derangement of Epigraphs
William S. Wilson, author of the story collection, Why I Don't Write Like Franz Kafka, audited the discussions on the new ebr Interface and posted a series of letters (backchannel), under the header, Why I Don't End Construction. His reasons have to do with audience building.
Everyone An Artist?
Elisabeth Joyce, co-editor of ebr3, Writing (Post) Feminism, entered the discussion on the new interface after the initiating posts by ebr design editor Anne Burdick, publisher Mark Amerika, editor Joseph Tabbi, and barker Rob Wittig. Joyce's post drew our very first gloss - by ebr contributing editor Steve Tomasula.
How Are We Going To Kill Information?
Responding to the potential for having "all of ebr current" and even viewable on a single screen, Brigham wonders if it might not be better to kill off content. Brigham's model is the Blair Witch project.