image + narrative
Lexia to Perplexia:
hypertext? cybertext? hypermedia? webart? while new media critics debate the terms, Talan Memmott has produced the thing itself, a creative use of applied technology.
Great Excavations
Ted Pelton views Robert Creeley's image/text collaborations in Buffalo, NY.
Lessons in Latent History
Steffen Hantke presents an archeology of Don DeLillo's Underworld.
A Gathering of Threads
The culmination of ebr version 2.0 (an html- and java-based Web production), the spring 1999 "gathering of threads" introduced an important component into the journal design: the thREAD that actively conducts readers among affiliated essays.
Image + Narrative
In collecting essays for ebrs 6 and 7, the editors sought work that would not only talk about image and narrative theory in the networked environment; we wanted essays with design elements in their very construction. The essays were presented in the context of Anne Burdick's first integral design for the journal itself, ebr version 2.0.