Electronic Literature: Where Is It?
Countering Andrew Gallix's suggestion in The Guardian that electronic literature is finished, author Dene Grigar indicates that it may not be e-lit, but rather the institution of humanities teaching, that is in a state of crisis - and e-lit in fact could be well placed one to revive the teaching of literature in schools and universities.
Teaching the Cyborg (5 of 5)
The Politics of Information: fifth and final installment under the Technocapitalist thread.
The Florida Research Ensemble and the Prospects for an Electronic Humanities

Chris Carter and Greg Ulmer dialogue through e-mails on the mission of the FRE.
The Informatics of Higher Education (4 of 5)
In The Politics of Information, v.4, Bousquet, Wills, and Co bring their critique home to Higher Education.
The Information University
Marc Bousquet discusses university labor delivered in "the mode of information."