Gloss on Seeking
September 9, 2007
Speaking of dispersed, technology’s redefinition of the contours of quotidian existence is also a subject of Swigart’s earlier story, Dispersion. Speaking of dispersed, technology’s redefinition of the contours of quotidian existence is also a subject of Swigart’s earlier story, Dispersion.
Gloss on Not Just a River
Ben Underwood
September 9, 2007
In his short story Dispersion, Swigart describes a quasi-supernatural phenomenon that evokes the link between biological and technological evolution.
Gloss on Satisfying Ambiguity
Ben Underwood
September 9, 2007
Swigart discusses literal ecological fragility in his essay Not Just a River.
Gloss on Seeking
Ben Underwood
September 9, 2007
In his essay, Satisfying Ambiguity, Swigart points to Victor Fleming’s 1939 film adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s Oz novels as an example of the use of color to organize knowledge. In his essay, Satisfying Ambiguity, Swigart points to Victor Fleming’s 1939 film adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s Oz novels as an example of the use of color to organize knowledge.
Gloss on The Way We Live Now, What is to be Done?
Stefanie Boese
September 8, 2007
In her review of McGann’s book Radiant Textuality, Katherine Acheson argues that the usability and graphic quality of McGann’s interface designs have thus far not lived up to the high ambitions of these projects. She suggests that a redesign would be necessary before digital humanities scholarship can become a viable alternative to traditional scholarly publishing.