Gloss on Sonic Contents: Why I Let the Litmixer Die and Other Stories
Joseph Tabbi
January 23, 2007
The electronic book review initially defined the word “review” in the sense of a “retrospective”; see “A Review of Books in the Age of Their Technological Obsolescence.” The editors’ opinion on the timing of ebr reviews are given in the introduction to the thread, Fictions Present. The electronic book review initially defined the word “review” in the sense of a “retrospective”; see “A Review of Books in the Age of Their Technological Obsolescence.” The editors’ opinion on the timing of ebr reviews are given in the introduction to the thread, Fictions Present.
Gloss on Revolution 2: An Interview with Mark Z. Danielewski
Lori Emerson
March 20, 2007
David Foster Wallace may also be said to push the thresholds of language and form, as is evident in Benzon’s ebr review of Wallace’s Oblivion. David Foster Wallace may also be said to push the thresholds of language and form, as is evident in Benzon’s ebr review of Wallace’s Oblivion.
Gloss on Games, Storytelling, and Breaking the String
Jan Van Looy
March 13, 2007
For more on My Life with Master, see Paul Czege’s discussion of protagonism, which he sees as an engine for story creation. For more on My Life with Master, see Paul Czege’s discussion of protagonism, which he sees as an engine for story creation.
Gloss on ‘I am a Recording Angel’: Jack Kerouac’s Visions of Cody and the Recording Process
Ben Underwood
January 17, 2007
Characters in Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon, having lived through the American Revolution, recall changes in musical form in the 1770s; parallel changes in pop music of the Sixties are implied, and one of Pynchon’s characters cites Plato as the source of the idea that alterations in music precede and perhaps precipitate political change: “‘Tis ever the sign of Revolutionary times, that Street-Airs become Hymns, and Roist’ring-Songs Anthems,– just as Plato fear’d,– hast heard the Negroe Musick, the flatted Fifths, the vocal portamenti– ’tis there sings your Revolution. Characters in Thomas… continue
Gloss on Critical Code Studies
Joseph Tabbi
December 29, 2006
And if all this is discussed, what then? The problem of field delimitation, the tendency to elaborate complexity without constraint, and an incipient sclerosis in contemporary critical studies is discussed by Andrew McMurray in his introduction to Critical Ecologies circa 2006.