Gloss on Systems Theory for Ecocriticism
Lori Emerson
December 4, 2006
McMurry continues his work on ecocriticism in a review of Lee Rozelle’s Ecosublime. In a similar vein, William Major measures academic “ecocriticism” against the practical “agrarianism” of Wendell Berry. McMurry continues his work on ecocriticism in a review of Lee Rozelle’s Ecosublime. In a similar vein, William Major measures academic “ecocriticism” against the practical “agrarianism” of Wendell Berry.
Gloss on Awesome and Terrifying
Lori Emerson
December 4, 2006
McMurray’s own integration of systems theory into ecocriticism in Environmental Rennaisance is discussed in a review by Stephen Docherty. McMurray’s own integration of systems theory into ecocriticism in Environmental Rennaisance is discussed in a review by Stephen Docherty.
Gloss on Multimedia Textuality; or, an Oxymoron for the Present
Lori Emerson
November 29, 2006
Acheson’s multimedia version of this plaintext version can effectively comment on it – reinforcing, critiquing, contradicting what is said by what is seen. McMurry makes a similar point in his introduction to Acheson’s review when he notes that “effective integration of text and image is not yet possible on the web, which requires the segregation of text from image if text is to be made available as text.” Acheson’s multimedia version of this plaintext version can effectively comment on it – reinforcing, critiquing, contradicting what is said by what is seen. McMurry makes a similar point in h… continue
Gloss on Critical Ecologies: Ten Years Later
Lori Emerson
November 29, 2006
Elsewhere on ebr Lisa Nakamura interviews Haraway, Mathew Fuller reviews The Cyborg Handbook, and Salvatore P offers an interpretation of a Joseph McElroy cyborg. Elsewhere on ebr Lisa Nakamura interviews Haraway, Mathew Fuller reviews The Cyborg Handbook, and Salvatore P offers an interpretation of a Joseph McElroy cyborg.
Gloss on Revolution 2: An Interview with Mark Z. Danielewski
Lori Emerson
March 20, 2007
Michael Boyden interviews Oulipian Harry Mathews on ebr; here Mathews traces his own engagement with constraint to 14th century and modernist composers. Michael Boyden interviews Oulipian Harry Mathews on ebr; here Mathews traces his own engagement with constraint to 14th century and modernist composers.