Gloss on Chris Stroffolino’s response to Lori Emerson
Joseph Tabbi
November 5, 2005
ebr has an essay by Marta Werner on the material look of Dickinson’s late papers; and a review of Jerome McGann, the leading advocate of a textual criticism, is scheduled for early 2006.
Gloss on Privileging Language: The Text in Electronic Writing
Joseph Tabbi
November 5, 2005
Readers of Hayles’ book should seek out a copy of the prescient, more wide-ranging volume by Steve McCaffery and bpNichol, Rational Geomancy: The kids of the book-machine : the collected research reports of the Toronto Research Group, 1973-1982) (Talonbooks, 1992).
Gloss on Bass Resonance
Joseph Tabbi
November 5, 2005
Brian Kim Stefans, in his November 2005 essay responding to _First Person_, “The Pixel/The Line,” suggests that moving words may be hard to square with (lower-case) literary art generally. Stefans cites reasons having to do not with textuality and authority, but meaning.