Stephen Burn connects Don DeLillo's fifteenth novel, Point Omega, with the author's long-running investigation into the structures of the mind. Using an elusive narrative architecture, images from a slowed-down film, and moments of second- and third-order observation, the novel dramatizes the mind's pre-conscious fiction-making processes.
Joseph Tabbi reviews the essay collection Simulacrum America.
Timothy Melley reviews Mark Fenster on conspiracies in fact and fiction and finds evidence against the assumption that only nonexistent conspiracies produce conspiracy theories.
Joseph Tabbi identifies a shift in U.S. criticism that has taken place in the eight years separating Susan Strehle's Fiction in the Quantum Universe and John Johnston's Information Multiplicity.
Walton Muyumba reviews Randall Kenan's massive meditation on race and introduces a new word into the discourse on African American literature: zugenruhe.