Can the rising cost of cosmopolitan real estate have brought the New York City novel to a low point? Tom LeClair measures recent fictions from and about New York City - including three "9/11 novels" - against the Systems Novel of the mid-1970s.
For Daniel Punday, Bernard Siegert's historical materialism - a difficult synthesis of historical, literary, and institutional analysis - falls somewhere between Derrida and Foucault. But see also the review in ebr by historian Richard John, who considers Siegert in the line of Walter Ong, Elizabeth Eisenstein, and Harold Innis.
A call for (and example of) material studies of software from Matt Kirschenbaum, spurred by the Digital Arts and Culture conference, 2000.
Julie Cupples reviews a retrospective collection of essays by Chandra Mohanty on the geopolitics of gender and race.