Stuart Moulthrop
Over 800 pages, the New Media Reader does not exhaust its subject; it even sets the stage for a companion volume.
Sidebar images, "From Work to Play: Molecular Culture in the Time of Deadly Games."
Espen Aarseth holds that gameplay, not Lara Croft?s physique, should command the attention of an evolving game studies.
First Person, second section: What is Ludology? Editors Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin see a disciplinary shift away from ill-advised analogies toward analyses of the gaming situation itself.
Cyberpractitioner Diane Gromala celebrates virtual immersion's unsteady body-knowledge.
"Playing with play," John Cayley sets ludology on an even playing field with literature, but without literary scholarship's over-reliance on 'story,' 'closure,' and 'pleasure.'
Dave Ciccoricco returns to Stuart Moulthrop, considers Operation Enduring Freedom (2003) in light of Operation Desert Storm (1991), and consults the annals of World War II for a likely source of "Victory Garden," the title of Moulthrop's 1991 network fiction on the Gulf War.