Literature from Page to Interface: The Treatments of Text in Christophe Bruno’s Iterature

Søren Pold explores the ways in which Christophe Bruno's Iterature expands the notion of literary form and shows what happens when words are no longer only part of a language.
Electronic Literature circa WWW (and Before)
Chris Funkhouser reads the Electronic Literature Collection Vol. 1 as a crucial document, an effective reflection of literary expression and areas of textual exploration in digital form.
Three from The Gig: New Work By/About Maggie O’Sullivan, Allan Fisher, and Tom Raworth
Three recent poetry publications by Nate Dorward's press The Gig are reviewed by Greg Betts; these are not poems so much as environments outside of, perhaps astride, the contingencies of systems.
Saving the Past: Deleuze’s Proust and Signs
Stephen Hawkins engages with the "web of counterintuitive, paradoxical, contentious and yet important claims" that he identifies in Gilles Deleuze's Proust and Signs.
Illogic of Sense | The Gregory L. Ulmer Remix: Introduction

Darren Tofts and Lisa Gye introduce the collection of essays, appearing here in the electropoetics thread, from the Alt-x e-book The Illogic of Sense.