first person
The Pixel/The Line
For all the talk of cyber-difference, screens still behave like pages. The contributors in section six have developed, in response, a digital aesthetics unlike that of print.
Literal Art
John Cayley dadas up the digital, revealing similarities of type across two normally separate, unequal categories: image and text. "Neither lines nor pixels but letters," finally, unite.
Unusual Positions
Camille Utterback exposits "embodied interaction with symbolic spaces" – the body and language of digital art.
Approaches to Interactive Text and Recombinant Poetics
In this series of "media-element field explorations," Bill Seaman suggests configurations for the shape of the virtual artist-author to come.
Hypertexts and Interactives
The parallels (and oppositions) between hypertext and AI are brought out in section five.