The Digital Downside: Moving from Craft to Factory Production in Online Learning
Tim Luke takes on the business of online learning.
From Utopianism to Weak Messianism: Electronic Culture’s Spectral Moment
Stephanie Tripp addresses Spectres of Marx, the text featuring some of Derrida?s most detailed encounters with both historical materialism and information technology.
Michael Milken and the Corporate Raid on Education
Junk bond swami Michael Milken jumped out of prison a few years ago and into for-profit education. Ken Saltman submits Milken's latest venture to the light of day.
Textual Events (3 of 5)
How to commodify "intellectual property" when the object, a text, is made of other texts, and each reading is a re-writing? The Politics of Information, Part 3, considers the identity of event and machine.
What’s Left: Materialist Responses to the Internet
Urging adaptibility and breadth, Mark Poster takes issue with the niches bored by early Internet critiques.