Claudia Kozak earned a Ph. D. University of Buenos Aires. She is a senior member of the Argentinean National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET); Professor at the Departments of Literature and Communication Studies, University of Buenos Aires. Director of Maestría en Cruces de Narrativas Culturales (UNTREF), which is part of the international program Erasmus + Masters Crossways in Cultural Narratives. She sits at Academic Council Ph. D. in Comparative Theory of Arts (UNTREF) and Board of Directors of Electronic Literature Organization. She currently coordinates litElat, Red de Literatura Electrónica Latinoamericana and Ludión. Exploratorio latinoamericano de poéticas/políticas tecnológicas . Her research focuses on digital literature and relationships between arts, technology and society. She is the author of the book Contra la pared. Sobre graffitis, pintadas y otras intervenciones urbanas (2004). Her other books as editor and author are: Fobias - fonias - fagias. Escritas experimentais e eletrónicas ibero-afro-latinoamericanas (coedited with Rui Torres, 2019); Tecnopoéticas argentinas. Archivo blando de arte y tecnología (2012, reprinted 2015); Poéticas/políticas tecnológicas en Argentina (1910-2010) (2014); Poéticas tecnológicas, transdisciplina y sociedad. Actas del Seminario Internacional Ludión/Paragraphe (2011); Deslindes. Ensayos sobre la literatura y sus límites en el siglo XX (2006); Las paredes limpias no dicen nada (coedited with Gustavo Bombini; Istvan & Floyd, 1991); Rock en letras (1990).