Philippe Bootz has programmed poetry since 1977. He has published more than 250 papers and conferences on digital poetry and his works have been shown in about all international events in digital literature.
Professor Emeritus (2022), Professor (2020), HDR (2016), PhD in Sciences of Information and Communication (2001), PhD in physics (1985).
Manager of the laboratory Paragraphe team “Écriture et Hypermédiation Numériques” (2008-2022), assistant Director of the laboratory Paragraphe (2018-2020), President of the scientific board of the laboratory of excellence (labex) ARTS-H2H (2016-2018), member of the International Relations Office at the University Paris 8 (2013-2016).
Member of the Electronic Literature Organization board (2014-2016), Director of the “Compulit” series at West Virginia University Press (2010-2018), member of the consultative board of e-poetry (2001-2009), creator and publisher of the digital review of digital poetry alire (1989-2010).