Jokes play a fundamental role in Slavoj Žižek's philosophizing. Is Žižek joking when he extols the virtues of Christianity to the Left? Eric Dean Rasmussen analyzes Žižek's pro-Christian proselytizing as attacks on modes of PC-ness - political correctness and perverse Christianity - that sustain an undesirable neoliberalism.
D. Fox Harrell considers how a media theory of the "phantasmal" - mental image and ideological construction - can be used to cover gaps within electronic literary practice and criticism. His perspective is shaped by cognitive semantics and the approach to meaning-making known as "conceptual blending theory."
Geoffrey Winthrop-Young gets inside De Landa's total history.
Luca Di Blasi reads Peter Sloterdijk straight.
Translation by Chris Thomas
Aaron Pease reviews Manual DeLanda's philosophy of the virtual.
Linda Brigham hypercontextualizes contemporary philosophy.
Paisley Livingston on Stanislaw Lem and the history and philosphy of Virtual Reality.
Slavoj Žižek addresses the situation of post-9/11 global politics - and his own, controversial, theories of the political - in this interview with Eric Dean Rasmussen.