Mark Hansen responds to Linda Brigham's review of Embodying Technesis: Technology Beyond Writing.
Reflections on Creative Writing as potentially part of the tradition of the avant garde.
In the triad of Verso pamphlets on 9/11, Nick Spencer sees a convergence of postmodern critique (against the capitalist culture of postmodernity).
Lori Emerson reviews The Shape of the Signifier by Walter Benn Michaels.
Paul Harris hybridizes the terms of hypertextual discourse and takes it to a higher power.
Johanna Drucker counters hands-off poetics with practice.
"Sedgwick's emphasis is on generating concepts that add to the complexity and inclusiveness of our representations, rather than trying to prescribe the right revolutionary path." Melissa Gregg reviews Eve Sedgwick's Touching Feeling.
From origin stories to progressive science fiction, Lisa Yaszek studies the changing face of feminsim.
Marcel O'Gorman offers a candid account of what it means to introduce the computer apparatus into teaching in the humanities.
Geoffrey Winthrop-Young gets inside De Landa's total history.