critical ecologies
Conspiracy and the Populist Imagination
Timothy Melley reviews Mark Fenster on conspiracies in fact and fiction and finds evidence against the assumption that only nonexistent conspiracies produce conspiracy theories.
Hope for Empowerment, Fear of Control
Jan van Looy reviews Silvio Gaggi on hypertext fiction up to the early '90s.
Materialities and the Raw Material of Latin Americanism

Shirin Shenassa situates Roman de la Campa's Latin Americanism within the critical discourses of the world's metropolitan centers and introduces a new thREAD into ebr's Internet Nation series
Friedrich Kittler’s Technosublime
Bruce Clarke reviews the new translation of Grammophone, Film, Typewriter, a requiem and good-riddance for the era of so-called Man.
Digital vs. Traditional?
Luc Herman reviews the collection, Cyberspace Textuality by Marie-Laure Ryan, and warns against the creation of a false dichotomy between the digital and traditional print text.