critical ecologies
The Cybernetic Turn: Literary into Cultural Criticism
January 1, 1997
Joseph Tabbi
Joseph Tabbi reviews the essay collection Simulacrum America.
Poets Take On Guess Inc.: Poets Win
January 1, 1997
Joseph Tabbi
Poets Take On Guess Inc.: Poets Win
The ‘Environment’ Is Us
January 1, 1997
Harold Fromm
Taking up the green thread from ebr4, Harold Fromm reviews three new books of eco-criticism >--- ebr4 critical ecologies.
Restoring Dora Marsden
December 30, 1996
Michael Wutz
Michael Wutz reviews Bruce Clarke's Dora Marsden and Early Modernism: Gender, Individualism, Science
Joseph McElroy: fathoming the field
December 30, 1996
William Smith Wilson

Toward a definition of a postmodern genre: the field-novel.