critical ecologies
Virtual Communities?: Public Spheres and Public Intellectuals on the Internet
April 1, 1996
Jamie Daniel
Can electronic conversations reconstitute Bérubé's lost public sphere? A Marxist analysis by Jamie Daniel.
Getting the Dirt on The Public Intellectual: A response to Michael Bérubé
April 1, 1996
Cary Wolfe
Cary Wolfe lays bare the assumptions that define Bérubé's stance.
On Netscape, Virtual Slaves, and Making Moolah
April 1, 1996
Mark Amerika

Mark Amerika goes public, and reveals speculative fiction and market speculations to be one and the same.
Them, Meaning Us
April 1, 1996
Curtis White
Former FC2 Co-publisher Curtis White defends radical fiction against Left radical intellectuals.
Academia, Inc.
March 15, 1996
Linda C Brigham
Linda Brigham reviews Incorporations, the most recent collection from Zone Books.