end construction
Amato/Fleisher Too Pessimistic
In the era of English Department Cultural Studies, does the study of literature belong to the poet-professors? Marjorie Perloff offers a view from the English Department of what CW can do.
CW and The Art of Living
David Radavich rethinks creative writing as an art of living - one of many.
Reforming Creative Writing Pedagogy
Joe Amato and Kass Fleisher suggest that creative writing pedagogy, particularly as found in the typical workshop, might benefit from a major, theoretically-informed, re-visioning. Introduced by ebr managing editor (1999-2002), Kirsten Young.
Wireless Communities?
Matt Kirschenbaum, a longtime ebr contributor who actually does some programming and much reading in electronic environments, sought to ground the discussion.
The Real
Daniel Wenk was living in Paris on a Fellowship during the initial discussions. He would eventually give the discussions their name, End Construction!, after treating a street sign in Chicago. Using black electrical tape the same width as the sign lettering, he formed an exclamation mark and so turned the statement into a command.