end construction
Past Futures, Future’s Past
The second in a series of two essays developing the parallels between Iraq and the Peloponnesian Wars, between classical Empire and postmodern Imperialism.
Satisfying Ambiguity
From the Oracle of Delphi to the Wizard of Oz, it is clear that "if we attack we will destroy a great empire." The only question that remains, is which one?
God Help Us
A Review of Malise Ruthven's A Fury for God: The Islamist
Attack on America, from Tim Keane, with links to a growing body of writing on terror in ebr.
Liberation Hurts: An Interview with Slavoj Žižek
Slavoj Žižek addresses the situation of post-9/11 global politics - and his own, controversial, theories of the political - in this interview with Eric Dean Rasmussen.
Burroughs Lives
Davis Schneiderman reviews two works on Burroughs - a writer who is both there and not there, who exemplifies and escapes post-structuralist readings and postmodernist celebrations.