end construction
Narratological Amphibiousness, or: Invitation to the Covert History of Possibility
Lance Olsen continues the FC/2 authors' discussion of Carole Maso's AVA and adds some bits on Laird Hunt, Mark Z Danielewski, Judd Morrissey and Lori Talley, and other recent U.S. avant-gardists.
Reverberation: Writing as a Visual Medium and the Sight of the Avant Garde
Further on Gertrude Stein, Carole Maso, and the avant garde in U.S. fiction from Lidia Yuknavitch.
Welcome to Baltimore
Picking up Lance Olsen's theme of thinking as digestion, Michael Martone chews on what's Avant Garde about Baltimore.
Capitalist Construction
Against the conflation of Islamic and economic fundamentalisms (William S. Wilson responds to Nick Spenser).
The Politics of Postmodern Architecture
To understand differences between Islamic and Western aesthetics, Nick Spencer argues, is not the way to understand the WTC attacks.