Off Center Episode 13: Creative AI with David Jhave Johnston
Jhave and Scott Rettberg explore the bright side of AI, the revolutionary advancements in creativity and medicine, while trying not to be consumed by the crushing dark side, the "precarious potential for extinction."
Off Center Episode 12: Existential Transformative Game Design with Doris Rusch
In Off Center Episode 12, Scott Rettberg talks to game designer, academic, and author Doris Rusch about making games with meaning, existentialist psychotherapy, the resurgence of text-based games online, and embodiment: "Let’s talk about Zombie Yoga."
Remembering Robert Coover
Scott Rettberg and Robert Arellano's collection of interviews "with critics, creative writers, students, and friends of Coover" to commemorate the passing of one of the pioneers in electronic literature.
Off Center Episode 25: AI Cinema with Will Luers
Off center, wayward, slightly off path.... Rettberg and Luers discuss their longrunning encounters with writers, artists, computational film makers and other multidisciplinary "people who come to the electronic literature community, and it’s not only writers, but also artists, visual artists, and you find everyone has a similar kind of wayward path."