White, Shavers
Ryan Brooks
October 8, 2012
For an essay that situates Curtis White’s The Middle Mind in the context of recent debates about the role of difficulty in aesthetics, see Rone Shavers’ “The End of Agapē: On Debates around Gaddis” in Paper Empire: William Gaddis and the World System. (Ed. Joseph Tabbi and Rone Shavers.)
Early Holopoetry
Joseph Tabbi
October 7, 2012
Kac offered a key early account of his take on holopoetry in ebr: http://www.altx.com/ebr/ebr5/kac.htm (that’s the original appearance, and here also: http://www.electronicbookreview.com/thread/electropoetics/uncontrollable)
Gloss on Due Diligence
Ryan Brooks
October 25, 2011
For an earlier consideration of the state of Pynchon studies, also appearing in ebr, see Joseph Tabbi’s “The Pyndustry in Warwick.”
Gloss on See the Strings: Watchmen and the Under-Language of Media
Davin Heckman
November 9, 2011
With regards to Bizarro World, it is worth noting that the absurd inversions in the Bizarro Superman comics of the 1950s and 60s typically anchored themselves to middle class American norms and institutions in order to achieve their comic purposes. Imperfection is always registered in relationship to an implicitly perfect ideal, thus Bizarro Superman has a wife, a dog, children. They live in a suburban neighborhood. Bizarro Lois cleans the house by making it dirty.