Gloss on Ping Poetics
Andrew Burchiel
October 8, 2009
Baldwin’s essay on Digital Poetics was also recently published on ebr and can be viewed here: Against Digital Poetics. Baldwin’s essay on Digital Poetics was also recently published on ebr and can be viewed here: Against Digital Poetics.
Gloss on Strange Sympathies: Horizons of Media Theory in America and Germany
Aron Pease
September 15, 2009
There is a convergence here. In the last half-century, media and media machines have increasingly become the means of production. Hardt and Negri (among others) have argued that immaterial or communicative labor is the new dominant form of labor (dominant in terms of tendency not number), and this labor primarily produces knowledge, images, and affects. For instance, communicative laborers involved in bringing a pair of athletic shoes to market, do this using computers, specialized languages, images, and other media in order to produce media that make up the product “shoes.” As a commodity, “s… continue
Gloss on Gaming the System
September 6, 2009
See Golumbia’s “Metadiversity: On the Unavailability of Alternatives to Information”. See Golumbia’s “Metadiversity: On the Unavailability of Alternatives to Information”.
Gloss on Against Digital Poetics
Andrew Burchiel
August 25, 2009
John Cayley presents a substantial critique of Baldwin based on this essay’s initial presentation at conferences. Cayley’s critique is posed in a response to Joseph Tabbi’s essay “On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature.”
Gloss on Charles Darwin: Conservative Messiah? On Joseph Carroll’s Literary Darwinism
Stefanie Boese
August 1, 2009
A decade ago, Laura Dassow Walls already critiqued the colonization of the humanities by one marginal branch of the sciences and specifically E.O. Wilson’s tendency to reduce complex issues to evolutionary history. Her essay “Consilience Revisited” is available here.