Gloss on A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Digital Poetics
Lori Emerson
May 31, 2008
Stefans’ ebr essay “Privileging Language: The Text in Electronic Writing” is likewise concerned with the issue of text and meaning and the reduced terms with which these are both approached in electronic writing.
Gloss on Either You’re With Us and Against Us: Charles Bernstein’s Girly Man, 9-11, and the Brechtian Figure of the Reader
Lori Emerson
May 31, 2008
Michael McDonough’s ebr review of Brian Kim Stefans’ Before Starting Over clearly positions Stefans as a post-language poet who extends Bernstein’s anti-absorptive poetics more deeply into the digital realm. Michael McDonough’s ebr review of Brian Kim Stefans’ Before Starting Over clearly positions Stefans as a post-language poet who extends Bernstein’s anti-absorptive poetics more deeply into the digital realm.
Gloss on Either You’re With Us and Against Us: Charles Bernstein’s Girly Man, 9-11, and the Brechtian Figure of the Reader
Lori Emerson
May 31, 2008
Bernstein continues on with this characteristic political critique in his exploration of speed as a morally-coded concept in his ebr essay “Speed the Movie or Speed the Brand Name or Aren’t You the Kind that Tells: My Sentimental Journey through Future Shock and Present Static Electricity. Version 19.84.” Bernstein continues on with this characteristic political critique in his exploration of speed as a morally-coded concept in his ebr essay “Speed the Movie or Speed the Brand Name or Aren’t You the Kind that Tells: My Sentimental Journey through Future Shock and Present Static Electricity. Ve… continue
Gloss on Paranoid Modernity and the Diagnostics of Cultural Theory
Ben Underwood
May 18, 2008
Walter Benn Michaels’s The Shape of the Signifier, to which Melley is referring, was the subject of a review for ebr by Lori Emerson, which elicited several ripostes. Walter Benn Michaels’s The Shape of the Signifier, to which Melley is referring, was the subject of a review for ebr by Lori Emerson, which elicited several ripostes.
Gloss on Blank Frank
Ben Underwood
April 21, 2008
Davis Schneiderman intervenes in the innovation vs. crowd-pleasing debate via Jonathan Franzen’s attack on William Gaddis and Ben Marcus’s subsequent response.