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Remembering Robert Coover

[…]leave right away. I perhaps was trying to console myself. And so, I asked him what else he was working on. And he mentioned a couple of writing projects. And then he said, plus, “I want to teach this new workshop using the computer to make stories that can be read in maybe a variety of, infinite numbers of different orders and sequences that you determine as the reader.” And I said, “Oh, you mean hypertext?” And his eyes lit up, and he looked at me, and he said, “You know about this stuff?” And I said, “Yeah.” And I […]

Robert Coover

[…]Day of Wrath, came out in 2014. Bob was born in Charles City, Iowa and got his BA in Slavic Studies from Indiana University. He served in the Navy from 1953 to 1957 and then went on to get an MA from the University of Chicago in 1965. He met his wife, Pilar Coover, née Sans Mallafre, who is Catalan, during his time in the Navy, while port-hopping in the Mediterranean. They retained strong attachments to Spain and Catalan Culture, Bob most ardently through his love of soccer, as a supporter of Barcelona, and his interest in Spanish wines of […]

A Review of Tactical Publishing

[…]Think Deeply Again (2022). These topics are presently highly relevant; several thousand academic studies worldwide have been devoted to how digital media and platforms change our attention and literacy, ranging from students’ in-depth information processing and sustained attention capacity (Delgado, P., & Salmerón, L., 2021), how reading on screen leads to more shallow processing and can hinder reading comprehension (Jensen, R. E., Roe, A., & Blikstad-Balas, M. 2024), and which reading format is better suited for children’s books (Furenes, M. I., Kucirkova, N., & Bus, A. G., 2021). I often wonder, when looking for a main claim, if the core […]

The Praxis of the Procedural Model in Digital Literature, Part 1: Structural Aspects of the Model

[…]about programmed digital literature; which is to say, literary writing in which the author (or group of authors) creates the program of the work. In this essay, I will first expound the procedural model theory, then indicate how we can compare different theories in it and show some semiotic analyses using the model. I will finish with a general overview covering about 30 years of research, analyses, theoretical frameworks and observations. I will not go into all details and not all analyses will be addressed in the essay. In particular, I will not analyze specific textes-à-voir. 2. A model in […]
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