Positioning Hypertext in Chomsky’s Hierarchy of Grammars
Jim Rosenberg sends a shot of grammar straight across the bow of Nick Montfort's controversial Cybertext review, adding volume to a volley already in progress.
New Media Studies
Scott Rettberg introduces 'New Media Studies': a cluster of reviews, and a term (similar in its emergence to the term 'Postmodernism').
The Materiality of Technotexts
A book about books conscious of their materiality, N. Katherine Hayles' Writing Machines draws praise from Raine Koskimaa for its own media consciousness, and blame for embodied emphasis.
A User’s Guide to the New Millennium
Over 800 pages, the New Media Reader does not exhaust its subject; it even sets the stage for a companion volume.
Bridge Work
Form and platform are bridged in Stephanie Strickland's "V: WaveSon.nets/Losing L'una," a book with two beginings and a website to boot. Chris Funkhouser tests the load limit of this innovative, precarious structure.