The Code is not the Text (Unless It Is the Text)

An argument against the collapse of categories by an author who has, yes, himself perpetrated a few codeworks.
The Rules of the Game

Virginia Kuhn reviews an essay collection - Cybertext: Yearbook 2000 - ambivalent about its own printed status.
Intersection and Struggle: Poetry In a New Landscape
Brandon Barr considers Loss Glazier's attempt at a hypertext poetics that moves beyond the link.
The Pleasure (and Pain) of Link Poetics
Entering the cyberdebates, Scott Rettberg moves beyond technique and proposes a more generative approach to hypertext, in which an author's intention and poetic purpose have a role.
Materiality and Matter and Stuff: What Electronic Texts Are Made Of

Following Katherine Hayles, Matthew Kirschenbaum agrees that materiality matters.