Astrid Ensslin (she/her) is Professor in Digital Humanities and Game Studies, who divides her teaching and research activities between the Departments of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, and Digital Humanities at the University of Alberta. Her main publications include Small Screen Fictions (Paradoxa, 2017, co-edited with Lisa Swanstrom and Pawel Frelik), Literary Gaming (MIT Press, 2014), Analyzing Digital Fiction (Routledge, 2013, co-edited with Alice Bell and Hans Kristian Rustad), The Language of Gaming (Palgrave, 2011), Creating Second Lives: Community, Identity and Spatiality as Constructions of the Virtual (Routledge, 2011, co-edited with Eben Muse), Canonizing Hypertext: Explorations and Constructions (Bloomsbury, 2007), and Language in the Media: Representations, Identity, Ideology (Bloomsbury, 2007, co-edited with Sally Johnson). She has led externally funded research projects on videogames across cultures, reading and analyzing digital fiction, and specialized language corpora. She is PI of the "Writing New Bodies" project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, as well as Editor of the C.U.P. Elements "Digital Fictions" minigraph series and of the Bloomsbury "Electronic Literature" book series.