Manuel Portela
Natalia Federova
Ian Hatcher
Amaranth Borsuk
Penny Florence
Philippe Bootz
Philippe Bootz has programmed poetry since 1977. He has published more than 250 papers and conferences on digital poetry and his works have been shown in about all international events in digital literature.
Professor Emeritus (2022), Professor (2020), HDR (2016), PhD in Sciences of Information and Communication (2001), PhD in physics (1985).
Manager of the laboratory Paragraphe team “Écriture et Hypermédiation Numériques” (2008-2022), assistant Director of the laboratory Paragraphe (2018-2020), President of the scientific board of the laboratory of excellence (labex) ARTS-H2H (2016-2018), member of the International Relations Office at the University Paris 8 (2013-2016).
Member of the Electronic Literature Organization board (2014-2016), Director of the “Compulit” series at West Virginia University Press (2010-2018), member of the consultative board of e-poetry (2001-2009), creator and publisher of the digital review of digital poetry alire (1989-2010).
Janez Strehovec
Dr. Janez Strehovec is associate prof. of new media art theory and director of Institute of New Media Art and Electronic Literature, Ljubljana. He is the author of eight scientific monographs in the fields of cultural studies, digital literature, e-literary criticism, and aesthetics. The most recent is Text as Ride (2016). His English essays are included as book chapters in several reference books and published in scientific journals (e.g. Digital Creativity, CLC Web, CTheory, Journal of Popular Culture, Afterimage, Cybertext Yearbook, Electronic Book Review, Cultura, Technoetic Arts, First Monday, Teksty Drugie). His recent publications include “E-Literary Text and New Media Paratexts,” Examining Paratextual Theory and its Applications in Digital Culture (eds. Nadine Desrocher and Daniel Apollon, 2014), “The E-Literary Text as an Instrument and a Ride,” New Literary Hybrids in the Age of Multimedia Expression (ed. Marcel CornisPope, 2014), “E-Literature, New Media Art, and E-literary Criticism”, CLC Web, vol. 16/5 (2014), “Pisarstwo derywatywne.” Teksty Drugie : teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja, 2015, no.3. “Po hipertekstni fikciji: remediirana in konceptualna besedila in zgodbe”, Primerjalna književnost, 40/1(2017), and “Vanishing letters in text-based digital installations”, First Monday, vol. 22, no. 2, February 2017. His most research interest include the topic E-literature community and Micro-Fascism.
Institute of new media art and electronic literature
Strehovec at
Strehovsc at researchgate
Anastasia Salter
Anastasia Salter is the Director of Graduate Programs and Texts & Technology for the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Central Florida, and author most recently of A Portrait of the Auteur as Fanboy (University of Mississippi Press, with Mel Stanfill, forthcoming October 2020) and Adventure Games: Playing the Outsider (Bloomsbury, with Aaron Reed and John Murray, 2020). Currently, they serve on the Electronic Literature Organization Board of Directors and the HASTAC Steering Committee.