michael joyce
Despite talk of endings and absences at Eastgate Systems, Dave Ciccoricco investigates continuities in the work of Michael Joyce and Mark Bernstein.
George Landow talks with Harvey Molloy about personal projects and future Web speculations.
Michael Joyce looks at hypertext, body art, body piercing, and Web culture.
Pattern, absence, routine, return - Dave Ciccoricco mulls the shape(s) in Michael Joyce's new paper novel, Liam's Going
Stuart Moulthrop (re)mediates the interpretation (narrativists) vs. configuration (ludologists) debate by going macropolitical.
Late Breaking: William Gillespie, Scott Rettberg, and Rob Wittig post from Notre Dame University on the &Now festival of writers and writing.
Matthew Kirschenbaum rethinks the final section of First Person in light of "five basic strategies for furthering the history of reading."