first person
Everyday Procedural Literacy vs. Computational Procedural Literacy

Through a mini-experiment Robert Lecusay explores the differences between gamers' and non-gamers' interactions with non-player characters in Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern's Façade.
Paranoid Modernity and the Diagnostics of Cultural Theory
A review of John Farrell's magnificent Paranoia and Modernity: Cervantes to Rousseau, in light of contemporary literary criticism: Where Brian McHale declares an end to postmodernism, and where many discount paranoia as a passing literary interest, reviewer Tim Melley sees postmodern paranoia everywhere. As long as corporations are regarded by law as 'individuals' and conspiracy is the preferred way of understanding political and social systems, it seems that we'll remain in the longue duree of the postmodern moment.
Santaman’s Harvest Yields Questions, or Does a Performance Happen if it Exists in a Virtual Forest?

Adriene Jenik describes a project of virtual performances via avatars in online chat spaces.
Finding the Game in Improvised Theater

Tim Uren argues that each improvisational theater scene functions as a game that generates its own rules within a few seconds of its inception, rules based on each performer's observation of the audience and/or other actors.
Communities of Play: The Social Construction of Identity in Persistent Online Game Worlds

Celia Pearce applies the logics of identity politics, diaspora studies, and cultural studies to an online gaming community.