writing under constraint
Nothing Less and Nothing More: The Oulipo Compendium
April 20, 2003
Alain Vuillemin
Alain Vuillemin comprehends the compendium - a summing up of four decades of Oulipian activity.
Translation by James Stevens
Fecal Profundity
January 10, 2003
Human waste takes center stage in Dominique Laporte's unusual microhistory, a book as valuable for the anecdotes as for its argument.
Notable American Prose
September 1, 2002
Ted Pelton
Ted Pelton reviews Ben Marcus's novel that's not one.
Unraveling the Tapestry of Califia
September 1, 2001
Jaishree Odin
Jaishree K. Odin on the hyperfiction of M.D. Coverley.