Bethany Nowviskie of the University of Virginia introduces the COLLEX tool, a "COLL-ection" and "EX-hibition" of online images and interlinked texts. Nowviskie's white paper is the first essay to be "wrapped" into the ebr interface. That is, the essay has itelf been collected, tagged, and interlinked with the essays in ebr. This way, the essay is not just about the development of a semantic network - it is part of one.
Bethany Nowviskie of the University of Virginia introduces the COLLEX tool, a "COLL-ection" and "EX-hibition" of online images and interlinked texts. Nowviskie's white paper is the first essay to be "wrapped" into the ebr interface. That is, the essay has itelf been collected, tagged, and interlinked with the essays in ebr. This way, the essay is not just about the development of a semantic network - it is part of one.