[…]this a little bit, was the idea that in your scholarship, you have a lot of references to game studies and media studies, but also the psychology and psychotherapy, all the way back to Jung, to the present, neurobiology and cognition and theories like Joseph Campbell, who are kind of connecting story and psychology. So, there’s a lot of connections to narratological ways of thinking and really exciting interdisciplinarity, I guess you’d say, which is one of the things we’re trying to think a lot about with the Center for Digital Narrative. What happens when we bring these different perspectives […]
[…]Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier, 1996. Landow, George P. Hypertext: the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology. Parallax. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. Marshall, Eric, untitled poem, 3rd International Obfuscated C Code Contest, 1986. https://www.ioccc.org/1986/marshall/marshall.c Nichol, Barrie Philip. First Screening. Toronto: Underwhich Editions, 1984. Papp, Tibor. Orion. alire n° 11 (2000). Rapkin, Lewis, Automatic on the road, 2018 (video). Strachey, Christopher. « The “thinking” machine ». Encounter, no 13 (October 1954): 2531. Vian, Boris. « Un robot-poète ne nous fait pas peur ». Arts, no 1016 (April 1953): 21926. Winder, William. « Le Robot-poète : littérature et critique dans l’ère électronique ». In Littérature, […]
[…]Cruz, where he codirects the Expressive Intelligence Studio, a technical and cultural research group. He is the author of How Pac-Man Eats (2020) and coeditor of The New Media Reader (2003), among others. Computational media projects on which he has collaborated have appeared in venues such as the Whitney Museum of American Art and the IndieCade festival. Noah Wardrip-Fruin […]
[…]review, “Mister Squishy, c’est moi: David Foster Wallace’s Oblivion,” is posted on ebr‘s Critical Ecologies thread. Kiki Benzon is an assistant professor in English and a student in neuroscience at the University of Lethbridge, Canada. She edits the Fictions Present thread at ebr and has published essays on mental health, new media, and contemporary literature. Her review, “Mister Squishy, c’est moi: David Foster Wallace’s Oblivion,” is posted on ebr‘s Critical Ecologies […]
[…]a collaboration with Mark Amerika and Rick Silva. Trace is Assistant Professor of Digital Media Studies at the University of Denver, and the graduate director of the M.A. in Digital Media Studies. More on Trace […]
Lori Emerson is Associate Editor for ebr. Her critical work can also be found in The Emily Dickinson Journal, Postmodern Culture, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, and Cybertext Yearbook. She’s co-editor of The Alphabet Game: A bpNichol Reader (Coach House Books, 2007). Emerson is Assistant Professor of digital media in the Department of English at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Lori Emerson is Associate Editor for ebr. Her critical work can also be found in The Emily Dickinson Journal, Postmodern Culture, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, and Cybertext Yearbook. She’s co-editor of The Alphabet Game: A bpNichol Reader (Coach House Books, 2007). Emerson […]
[…]in American literature of the post-Bretton Woods era. His research interests also include global studies, media theory, and science fiction. Aron Pease is a Brittain Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His book manuscript uses scale to analyze representations of production in American literature of the post-Bretton Woods era. His research interests also include global studies, media theory, and science […]
[…]Media, which received the 2001 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literature Studies, also from the Modern Language Association; and of Avatars of Story: Narrative Modes in Old and New Media (2006). A native of Geneva, Switzerland, Marie-Laure Ryan is an independent scholar based in Colorado. She is the author of Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Theory, which received the 1992 Prize for Independent Scholars from the Modern Language Association; of Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media, which received the 2001 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literature Studies, also from […]
Brandon Barr is currently working toward his Ph.D. at the University of Rochester in New York, where he teaches classes on digital technology, poetry, and composition. He is the founder of the Banner Art Collective (http://bannerart.org), which collects net.art and poetry constructed and disseminated within the limitations of WWW advertising. Brandon Barr is currently working toward his Ph.D. at the University of Rochester in New York, where he teaches classes on digital technology, poetry, and composition. He is the founder of the Banner Art Collective (http://bannerart.org), which collects net.art and poetry constructed and disseminated within the limitations of WWW […]
[…]Institute for Law & Environment (BAILE); Distinguished Visiting Professor of Environmental Studies at Williams College; and Visiting Professor at Federal University of Bahia, […]