Justin Hall and the Birth of the ‘Blogs
Rob Wittig looks at one of the earliest "Weblogs," and finds there a persisting model for serial e-fiction and an interaction no less compelling than the literary correspondence between Henry Miller and Anais Nin.
Evangelizing the Everyday Web
Scott Rettberg appreciates Weinberg's small pieces more than his 'unified theory,' while viewing the Internet not as an economic panacea but a communication medium woven into the fabric of contemporary culture.
The Code is not the Text (Unless It Is the Text)

An argument against the collapse of categories by an author who has, yes, himself perpetrated a few codeworks.
The Rules of the Game

Virginia Kuhn reviews an essay collection - Cybertext: Yearbook 2000 - ambivalent about its own printed status.
Intersection and Struggle: Poetry In a New Landscape
Brandon Barr considers Loss Glazier's attempt at a hypertext poetics that moves beyond the link.